dart at the center of a target

There’s plenty of advice out there about how to achieve your goals, but what if you’re struggling to set a goal? Forget spinning your wheels, you probably feel like you’re driving blindly through life without a map, and that’s a great way to make sure you end up somewhere you don’t want to be.

Having a vision for the life you want is the first step towards making it a reality, but that can be easier said than done.

What if you’re struggling to figure out what you want?

First of all, know you’re not alone. More people than you might think struggle with this problem. That’s why I’ve taken the time to write out these goal-setting tips to make sure you’re on the right path.

1) Set Life Goals That Align with Your Purpose

You probably know the feeling of running an errand you’ve been putting off. You know it needs to get done, but you just don’t want to do it.

That’s when you tend to find yourself distracted by every little thing along the way. You end up running other errands that are not as urgent, but they help you prolong the inevitable of that errand you’ve been avoiding.

When you’ve set a goal for yourself that you don’t really want to achieve, you’ll abandon it as soon as things get hard – and things always get hard eventually.

The key to setting a goal you’ll stick with is to set one that aligns with your purpose. What were you put on this planet to do? What would you most regret not accomplishing if you were to die tomorrow?

Now, I realize this can be a tough question to answer, so don’t think you need to come up with something right away. If it helps, take some time to meditate, pray, journal, whatever your process is for diving deep into yourself to find what drives you.

2) Dream Big

If you want to play small, there’s nothing wrong with that, but that’s not what the Alpha 5 Method is about.

The Alpha 5 Method is for people who have big dreams and are committed to making those dreams a reality.

Your dream doesn’t have to be to play in the NFL, but it should be your version of playing in the NFL. If you could achieve absolutely anything you want, what would it be?

Write that down. Draw a picture of it. Whatever helps clarify that dream for you so you can use it to remind yourself of what you’re striving for.

3) Set a Goal That’s Irresistible

Achieving big goals requires a lot of hard work and dedication. If you’ve set a goal you don’t really want to achieve, you’re not going to be motivated to push through when you encounter obstacles.

So, before you decide on your goal, make sure it’s something you want so bad you can taste it. How awesome would it feel to achieve that goal?

Would you feel fulfilled knowing you’re pursuing your passion? Would you be happier? Would feeling happier and more fulfilled improve other areas of your life?

It’s amazing how many things fall into place when you commit to following your passion.

Now all you need is something to remind you of that feeling you’re reaching for. Whether it’s a vision board you display on your wall, or just a post-it note on your computer monitor, make sure you have something that constantly reminds you why you’re working so hard.

4) Set Realistic Goals

This might seem to contradict my second tip, but I promise both have their place in a solid goal-setting strategy. Yes, you can achieve anything you want, but you also have to recognize that big goals take time.

For example, let’s say you recently passed your bar exam and your goal is to become a partner in the law firm that just hired you. You’re not going to make partner in the next year or two.

But, depending on the size of your law firm, it might be realistic for you to make partner in the next 10 years.

That’s your goal. Now all you have to do is figure out how to make it a reality.

5) Set Specific Goals

Finally, you need a goal that’s specific. For example, a lot of people have a goal of getting fit or losing weight, but neither of those is specific enough to qualify as a goal.

If you want to lose weight, how much weight do you want to lose? Is it about reaching a certain number of pounds, or fitting into a certain pair of pants?

If you want to get fit, what does that mean? Running faster or running longer? Does it mean being able to lift a certain amount of weight, or doing more repetitions?

Find Your Pack

The above tips are all things you can do on your own, but no one achieves greatness on their own. We all need help along the way, whether in the form of tips and tricks, encouragement, or just someone to remind you that you can do this.

That’s why I’ve create The Alpha 5 Community, because knowing what to do can only take you so far. The final, and most important piece, is surrounding yourself with the people who will help you get there.

If you’re ready to join the pack, you can do so here. We’ve been waiting for you.