In football we would always say “get your mind right,” as a way of indicating that what was coming was going to be tough, so we had to lock in and commit to fighting through it to achieve our goal.

Getting in the right mindset is one of the most important aspects of going after a goal, but it’s also one of the most overlooked.

Most people want to focus on what they should be doing to be successful, and while that is important, it doesn’t matter what you do if you don’t get your mind right first.

One of the reasons people focus on checklists for success is that it’s tangible. It’s easier to check things off a list than it is to “think your way to success.”

But the truth is you need both. You need to get in the right headspace because that will ensure you do the right things to move you closer to your goal.

With that in mind, here are 5 things you need to stay on top of to “get your mind right.”

1) Remember That Failure Is Temporary

Serena Williams said the hardest part about playing tennis is the mental aspect.

She described a game against her sister, Venus, in which Venus missed an easy shot. That one miss was enough to break down her confidence, so she missed more shots, and then she stopped taking risks. She tried to play it safe, and it cost her the game.

Serena said she saw this happen over and over again in her almost 30-year career of professional tennis. She would watch for the moment that her opponent’s confidence started to waver, and that was when Serena would go harder and take more risks and bigger risks.

Everyone misses shots now and then, even easy shots. But you can’t let the mistakes drag you down. Keep your eyes on the prize, remember that you can do this, and keep taking risks.

2) Use Your Words

The words we use reflect your beliefs, but they can also create your beliefs.

Think about the last time you had to do something hard. Whether it was one more rep in your workout, or pushing through a late night at the office. When we try to push ourselves just a little further, we say things to ourselves like, “I can do this. I will do this. I am doing this.”

But it’s not just the last mile that the words we use matter.

Take a moment to think about the words you use when you get up in the morning, as you start your day, even as you think about starting your day.

Are they as encouraging as the words you use when you’re going for more?

Or are they running through your to-do list and telling you you’ll never get it all done?

At the end of the day, are you berating yourself for the things you didn’t do? Or congratulating yourself on all the things you got done?

You can’t add more hours into the day, but you can choose how you perceive your accomplishments each day. You can choose to focus on what didn’t get done and make yourself feel like a failure.

Or you can choose to focus on what did get done and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

The words you choose don’t just impact how you perceive your reality, they can also make your reality.

If you feel like you’re lazy and never get through your to-do list, you won’t be motivated to get up early and go after your goals.

By contrast, when you talk yourself up for doing amazing things, you start to feel like you can do anything, and that makes you more likely to go for broke.

So, pay close attention to the words you’re using, both out loud and internally. If they’re holding you back, rather than pushing you forward, look for a way to flip the script. Because you are amazing, and no one can tell you otherwise. Not even yourself.

3) Eyes on the Prize

It’s tempting to focus on all the things that could go wrong, especially when we’re stretching ourselves beyond our comfort zone and going after big goals.

If all you think about is what will happen if you fail, you won’t even try to make your dream a reality.

What if instead of thinking about what could happen if it all goes wrong, you focused on what could happen if it all goes right?

What would that look like?

What would that feel like?

Fear can motivate us when used correctly, but more often than not, all it does is hold us back.

Inspiration is a much more powerful motivator. By keeping your eyes on the prize, you remind yourself why you’re doing this.

Because the result is going to be amazing.

4) Focus on What You Can Control

Getting your mind right is all about controlling what’s going on inside your head, because that’s the control center, not just of your body, but of your life.

Of course, things will crop up that you can’t control: the economy takes a hit, a family member gets sick and you have to take time off to care for them, you name it.

There are times when it feels like the Universe is conspiring against you, and maybe it is. Sometimes the Universe likes to test us to see how committed we are to going after our goals. The bigger the goal, the harder the test.

You have to deal with the world around you and the things you can’t control, but you don’t have to focus on them.

If you start feeling out of control, or like you’re spinning out, take a breath and turn your mind to what you can control.

What can you do, right now, to move towards your goal?

It could be as simple as taking a walk around the block, or jotting down an idea for the next chapter of your book.

By focusing on what you can control, you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life. Because life is too short to let someone else drive you to where they want to go instead of where you want to go.

5) Stop Complaining

This is related to the above, but it’s important enough that it warrants its own section.

Ryan Blair is credited with saying, “If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.”

When we get stuck, when it feels like the Universe is conspiring against us, it’s much easier to complain about than it is to fight through it.

The key to getting your mind right when adversity strikes is to recognize that it’s temporary.

Right now, it’s hard.

Right now, achieving your goal seems impossible.

But that’s just right now.

The more time and effort you devote to going after your goal, the easier it gets.

You might be facing some roadblocks now, but they won’t be there forever. You will find a way over, around, under, or through those roadblocks.

This goes back to the tip to use your words. The words you say out loud and the words you say to yourself have a big impact on your mindset, which impacts your ability to go after your goals.

So, stop complaining and get back to work.

And if you need a supportive group of ambitious go-getters to help you through the tough times and remind you to “get your mind right,” join our pack. We’ve been waiting for you.