
We all encounter roadblocks any time we go after big goals. The bigger the goal, the longer it takes to achieve, the more roadblocks will appear in your way.

But some roadblocks are self-imposed, and we don’t even realize we’re doing it to ourselves. Most of them are based in fear.

It’s OK to be afraid. Going after what you really, really want can be scary. Just don’t let the fear hold you back. Acknowledge it, recognize that it’s trying to keep you safe, then go back to your vision of what you really want and use it motivate you to keep moving forward.

Here are six of the most common roadblocks to be on the lookout for, as well as how to overcome them.

1) Procrastination

We’ve all procrastinated at some point in our lives, even if it’s just putting off tackling that pile of dishes in the sink that’s starting to grow mold.

Sometimes procrastination is obvious. You know that pile of dishes is sitting there, but Netflix automatically starts playing the next episode of your show and it’s too easy to tell yourself, “Just one more episode.”

But procrastination can also be very stealthy. Rather than letting that pile of dishes sit in the sink, you scrub each one, dry it, put it away. Then you clean the sink. Then the kitchen counter. Then you realize your laundry has been piling up and you should really take care of that right now.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t clean your home, but many of us tend to get obsessive about cleaning when we have a deadline for a big project looming over our heads. It doesn’t feel like procrastination because we’re being productive, but we’re not being productive in a way that will help us achieve our goals.

The way around this is to organize your tasks by level of importance. If you have a big goal you’re working towards, set aside time first thing in the morning to work on that goal. Then wash your dishes.

2) Lack of Clarity

I cannot stress enough the importance of getting really clear on your goal and WHY you want to achieve it. Without that clarity, you’ll lack the motivation to power through when you encounter roadblocks to success. You won’t know what to do next, so you won’t act at all.

The way around this roadblock to success is to get really clear on what you want and why you want it.

If you’re clear on the end goal, but not next steps, decide on a course of action and go for it. If it turns out to be the wrong move, at least you know that and you can adjust accordingly. Action brings clarity.

3) Lack of Commitment

Big goals take time, and they require making big changes. If you’re going to make those changes, and stick with the goal for months, or even years, you need to be committed.

Plenty of things will come along to test your commitment, even without you throwing some of these roadblocks in your own way. The best way to make sure you stay the course is to go back to that Vision of what you want, as well as your WHY.

If you don’t know what you want, if you don’t know why you want it, or if you don’t want it enough, you’ll give up. So before committing to a goal, make sure it’s a goal you really, really want to commit to, and you know why you want to commit to it.

4) Resistance to Change

Change is scary. The bigger the change, the scarier it is.

We all have a tendency to stay in our comfort zones because we know it’s safe there, and because it’s comfortable – hence the name.

But doing what you’ve always done will get you what you’ve always had.

If you want something new, you have to do something new. You have to become someone new.

That’s scary. I get it. But you can’t let that fear get in your way.

If you resist all calls to change, you won’t do what it takes to overcome these roadblocks to success.

As with procrastination (which can be a symptom of resistance to change), acknowledge the fear and the fact that it’s trying to keep you safe, then move on.

5) Making Excuses

There are always plenty of reasons not to do something. The harder it is, the more reasons we have not to do it.

I don’t have the time.

I don’t have the money.

I’m just going to fail anyway, so why bother?

Like procrastinating, excuses can be very stealthy because they often seem legitimate. We all have a lot of demands on our time, and if you’re putting your goal at the bottom of your priority list, there will never be enough time.

But if you really want it, you’ll find a way to achieve it, regardless of the constraints on your time or bank account. Get creative. Find a way to make it work. You might not have all the pieces right now, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is taking steps toward achieving your goal with the resources you have right now. As you make progress, the rest of the pieces will fall into place. You just have to have faith in your Vision and keep moving towards it.

Trying to Do It All Alone

It’s a common saying that “It takes a village” to raise a child, but childrearing is not the only thing that requires community. Any time you’re going after a big goal, you need people you know will have your back.

Whether you have questions about the process, or just need someone to give you a pep talk when things get hard, that’s what having a pack is all about.

It’s why I created the Alpha 5 Course as a group course. Not only does it make it more affordable for everyone, but it provides a built-in community to support you when things get tough.

You can get more information on the Alpha 5 Method here.